Fabrication Services

Machining, pressing and bending, fitting and mechanical servicing, pressure Vessel work & more

Carriage (Passenger Car)

Passenger car modifications and repairs, Bogie overhaul, Mechanical servicing

Safety Commitment

Best practice safety procedures including, Rail Safety accreditations and emergency response plans


Islington maintenance facility

Rail First Islington maintenance facility is located on the Melbourne-Adelaide-Perth rail corridor. The workshops are purpose-built to perform the complete range services, including engineering design, overhaul, maintenance, modification, and painting of locomotives, freight wagons, and passenger cars. In addition to on-site services, our team of service technicians provide field services in other regional locations for locomotives and wagons to meet our customers’ demands for a quick turnaround to maximize train utilisation.

Maintenance & Repair

Locomotive & Wagon Maintenance, Overhaul and Repair. Major component change out. Body and underframe repairs

Paint Shop

Specialised blasting, Graffiti resistant and graffiti removal, Zinc, epoxy and polyurethane & large wash bay

Air Brake Servicing

Overhaul brake, triple values, testing and calibration. Repairs to air cylinders


Full Maintenance & Repair Services

Available at Our Islington Facility

Locomotive & Wagon Maintenance, Overhaul and Repair

Field Services


Carriage (Passenger & Crew Cars)

Paint shop

Air Brake Services